Website Audit

A website audit is a comprehensive analysis of everything related to your website's visibility in search engines. It gives you a deeper understanding of why your site may not be getting the traffic you think it deserves or why your sales and conversions may not be improving. Here's a breakdown of what's typically involved in a website audit

Technical SEO Audit

    Website speed: Loading times for pages, especially on mobile.
    Mobile-friendliness: How well does the site perform on mobile devices?
    URL structure: Ensuring URLs are SEO-friendly.
    Redirects: Check for multiple or faulty redirects.
    Error pages: Identify 404 and other error pages.
    Robots.txt and Sitemap: Ensure they're set up correctly.
    HTTPS: Check for secure connections and proper SSL certificates.
    Indexation: See how many of your pages are indexed by Google.
    Duplicate content: Check for repeated content which might be penalized.

Content Audit

    Relevance: Ensure content is still relevant to your audience.
    Freshness: Update older content and keep it current.
    Gaps: Identify any content gaps based on keyword research.
    Local SEO Audit (for businesses serving local audiences).
    Google My Business listing: Ensure it's claimed and optimized.
    NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) consistency: Ensure information is consistent across all platforms.
    Local reviews: Monitor and manage reviews on local platforms like Yelp, Google, etc.

On-Page SEO Audit

    Content quality: Is it relevant, well-written, and unique?
    Keyword optimization: Are you using keywords appropriately on your pages?
    Meta descriptions and title tags: Ensure they are optimized and of the correct length.
    Header tags: Ensure proper use of H1, H2, etc.
    Image optimization: Check for alt tags, file size, and naming.
    Internal linking: Ensure that important pages are linked to appropriately.


    Design and layout: Is the design user-friendly and modern?
    Call to action: Ensure CTAs are compelling and clear.
    Navigation: Check for a logical site structure.
    Mobile UX: Ensure a good mobile user experience.
    Site search: Test its efficiency and effectiveness.

Analytics and Tracking

    Ensure platforms like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and others are properly set up.
    Review key metrics to identify any sudden drops or spikes and diagnose their causes.
    After the audit, a detailed report is usually provided outlining findings, recommendations, and a plan of action.
    Regular audits (e.g., annually or biannually) are recommended to stay updated with changes in search engine algorithms, industry standards, and website performance.

Off-Page SEO Audit

    Backlink analysis: Review the number and quality of backlinks.
    Anchor text analysis: Ensure a natural and diverse anchor text distribution.
    Social signals: Analyze social media presence and engagement.

Security Audit

    SSL certificates: Check for validity and implementation.
    Malware and hacks: Use tools to detect vulnerabilities or breaches.

Competitive Analysis

    Identify key competitors and analyze their online strategies and presence.